Akash Jha
2 min readJul 20, 2022


Top 5 Online Code Editors for Programmers

As a developer you need to know different programming languages therefore a platform is needed to code and learn the programming languages.

So, a Code Editors or IDE’s (Integrated Development Environment) is a platform where programmers code to communicate with machines and ship out projects.

But sometimes we require that we can code from our browser without downloading applications.

So here are the top 5 online code editors which you can use in a browser to code.

  1. CodePen: It is a platform built for frontend developers to build projects with the use of HTML, CSS, and JS where you replicate the output in a browser while you are coding.

2. Replit: It is a platform that supports 50+ programming languages where you can code right in your browser and build projects from web development to blockchain. It provides you with real-time collaboration on different projects you are working on with your team members and integration with GitHub.

3. CodeSandbox: It is a platform that gives you complete experience for Frontend Developers who mostly works with JavaScript.

4. CodeAnywhere: It is a platform that does not keep your codes on the server but it helps you easily collaborate with others while coding with peers and gives you a smoother experience while coding.

5. StackBlitz: It is a platform that is similar to VS Code if you love to work on VS Code and want to have a code editor similar to VS Code then stackblitz can help you to code with frontend technologies.

So these are the top 5 online code editors which every programmer must know.

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